Kenny Powers Might Head To Space And Fight Xenomorphs In Ridley Scott’s ‘Alien: Covenant’

If you needed a reason to give Ridley Scott and the Alien franchise another chance following Prometheus, you might have your reason. Danny McBride is in talks to take to the stars and head to “paradise” in deep space. Will Kenny Powers be whooping alien butt in another part of the universe, drinking tequila, and throwing fast balls like a god king?

The Wrap is bringing the exclusive details behind the possible casting for Alien: Covenant, including a few key points about the plot of the film and the remnants of Prometheus:

Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, the crew of the colony ship Covenant discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world — whose sole inhabitant is the “synthetic” David (Fassbender), survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition.

Sole inhabitant doesn’t leave with a whole lot of glee or anticipation for action, but it does leave some mystery for where Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw has gotten to since the first film. Is she dead? Is she in the clutches of whatever dark force brought them to the planet? Or is she just yet another husk for a xenomorph baby? It could be anything, but the excitement should be around Kenny Powers being the one to discover it all.

He’s already better than all of the scientists from the first film combined. This includes testy weed loving geologist who can’t read a map and our biologist who doesn’t think twice about touching a strange creature on an alien planet. Hopefully he’s a bit like his character from Land Of The Lost, with even less barriers against just killing the indigenous life — if there is any.

He should have some fun back and forth with David, at least. That’s why this needs to happen.

(Via The Wrap / Slash Film)