Triple H May Be The Only Person More Excited Than Joel Embiid About His Massive Extension

Joel Embiid is a noted fan of Triple H. During one of the 31 games in which he appeared last season, Embiid thought it would be fun to walk out onto the court during pregame introductions and recreate the Cerebral Assassin’s entrance. Why? I have no idea, but I do know that it ruled and it should be something Embiid does whenever he takes the floor for the rest of his career.

As it turned out, Triple H loved this, saying that while Embiid didn’t quite get the amount of water down, this was a valiant effort for a first attempt. Triple H is apparently a big fan of the Sixers center getting paid, too. After word came out that Embiid and Philadelphia agreed to a five-year contract extension worth as much as $178 million, Triple H took to Twitter to offer his congratulations to the young star.

The logical end to this friendship, in my humble opinion, is Embiid doing the Karl Malone and Dennis Rodman in WCW thing where he joins some stable and occasionally wrestles. Now that The Shield is officially back together, getting Embiid involved as their fourth man would own, but just putting him in the middle of a WWE ring (health pending, of course) would certainly be best for business.