Two Wisconsin Walk-Ons Did A ‘Fresh Prince’ Parody And It’s Spectacular

The Sweet 16 begins Thursday night and 7-seed Wisconsin will tip-off against 6-seed Notre Dame. If you’re looking for a team to root for, check out the Badgers. And it’s not because they’re playing the Irish or anything like that; it’s because walk-ons Aaron Moesch and Matt Ferris created a Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song parody and it’s absolutely spectacular.

Parodies are extremely hit-or-miss. Some are just flat-out awful. The rhyming is bad. The music is bad. The performance is bad. Everything is bad. And when you have a bad parody, it’s tough to get through the first 30 seconds. But when you have a parody that works, well, it’s worth sharing.

Remember, these are just a couple of college kids. Though they probably have the assistance of some video help from Wisconsin, the means comparatively speaking are likely limited. Yet, they’ve come up with some decent lyrics and re-enacted one of the great intros from the 1990s.

So, check out the video above, close your eyes and remember a better time — a time with neon colors and baggy clothes. A time when Will Smith wasn’t battling the NFL over concussions. And if your favorite team is out of the tournament, or if your bracket is a garbage fire, consider adopting Wisconsin as your de facto team the rest of the way.

That is unless Notre Dame beats them tonight.