Watch Daniel Radcliffe Talk About Crashing The Set Of ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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While filming Star Wars: The Force Awakens at Pinewood Studios in England, director JJ Abrams has invited nerdy dignitaries like James Bond (Roger Moore), Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch), and Bluntman (Kevin Smith) to the set of the certain epic to gaze at the mighty Millenium Falcon and the spot where it spit out Harrison Ford after it tried to eat him.

Now, you can add Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) to the list as well, but while Radcliffe didn’t say too much about the experience for fear of setting off JJ Abrams’ violent dark side (and, I assume, violating a non-disclosure agreement known as friendship… which is more magical than anything the former boy wizard has seen before), but he did reveal that he had a conversation with Harrison Ford aboard the Millenium Falcon and that he confessed to Abrams that he had only recently seen the original Star Wars movies.

Unsurprisingly, that got an eye bug from Abrams in that moment and from Conan O’Brien as Radcliffe was explaining it, but apparently Harrison Ford stepped in and defended Radcliffe over this surprising admission. Apparently, according to Radcliffe, one of Harrison Ford’s daughters has never seen the movies either. And while that’s a nice story, I think we all know that the real reason that Harrison Ford jumped into the fray to stop JJ Abrams’ pending physical assault on Radcliffe is that while he has read all the Harry Potter books four times through, Ford has never seen a Harry Potter movie.

Via Conan