Ryan Reynolds And Fox Are Gearing Up To Finally Make ‘Deadpool’

Bust out the chimichangas and mount up on your favorite unicorn, Fox is reportedly closing a deal with Ryan Reynolds to make Deadpool with director Tim Miller of Blur Films. If that all sounds familiar, it’s because Reynolds and Miller have been trying to make this happen for years. Deadline now reports production begins in March. Which makes sense; we’ve already heard Fox wants to release Deadpool by February 12th, 2016.

And we’re guessing Reynolds is going to finalize the deal, considering he tweeted this:

Deadpool will reportedly be part of the overall X-Men cinematic universe, although we can’t get an official word on whether they’ll go PG-13 or Rated R. We’ve heard it being described as an R-rated total reboot but also as PG-13. As long as the thing we heard about him knowing he’s in a movie and making fun of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is true, I can live with fewer swearwords. What’s a Deadpool movie without some awesome fourth-wall-breaking?

We can all thank this leaked test footage — and the internet’s excited reaction to it — for proving to the studios that a Deadpool movie can work. As long as it’s not X-Men Origins: Wolverine.