‘Terminator: Genisys’ Might Deliver That Trilogy After All

Terminator: Genisys came out and was immediately defeated by Channing Tatum’s abs before getting its ass handed to it by animated Twinkies the next weekend. In America, anyway. In the rest of the world, though, people apparently miss the Terminator a lot more.

In the U.S., the movie couldn’t even stagger past $90 million, but overseas, Terminator: Genisys has grossed $350 million so far. It’s not just doing well, it’s beating out the last two movies in the franchise. Admittedly, that’s not a high standard to hold a movie to, but that probably lessens the blow a little bit.

The question becomes: What happens now? Originally there were going to be two more movies before James Cameron got the rights back in 2019. But while the movie has definitely broken even, it’s not clear that it’s making enough money to justify making two more movies. The clock is ticking not least because it’s unlikely Cameron will do anything with the rights; he’s making three Avatar movies in a row and will probably just sit on them. So any killer robot movies Paramount wants to make, now’s definitely the time.

That said, it might be time to either power down the T-800 for good, or take the franchise to television. We’d much rather see a revival of The Sarah Connor Chronicles than yet another robot fight.

(Via Cinema Blend)