This Visual Guide To All Of Star Wars’ Different Lightsabers Is A Thing Of Deadly Beauty

The lightsaber is the coolest thing in this or any other galaxy. It’s a sword made of colored light that can cut through a neck bone like it was butter. Amazing. People can criticize George Lucas all they want, but he’ll always be a god for dreaming up the lightsaber.

Of course, like all things Star Wars, lightsabers are a bit more complex than you might think. There are different colors, and all sorts of different crazy shapes and configurations. No two lightsabers are truly the same. So, as we gear up for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, here’s a painstaking visual guide to every lightsaber seen on-screen thus far, from Luke Skywalker’s classic green weapon, to the awesome-looking new cross-guard lightsaber seen in the Episode VII trailers.

I love the clunky, low-tech look of Luke and Obi Wan’s ‘sabers, but I also kind of dig Darth Sidious’ sleek, high-end model. Also, I don’t care what anybody says about The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul’s double-sided lightsaber will always be a thing of beauty. What do you folks think? Which lightsabers are your favorites? Have some of the newer designs delved a little too deeply into gimmickry? Let’s fight it on in the comments.

(via HalloweenCostumes)