‘X-Men’ Producers Say There Are No Plans To Recast Wolverine Once Hugh Jackman Is Done Playing Him

Hugh Jackman has been promising to hang up his mutton chops for a while now, and it seems he’s about to finally make good on his threats. The actor has said The Wolverine 2 will be his final outing as the beloved Canadian mutant, so what happens after that? Fox is going to want to do more things with Wolverine, so X-Men masterminds Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg must have a plan, right?

Not really. In a recent interview, Singer and Kinberg admitted they “couldn’t imagine” anybody but Jackman playing Wolverine

“I do think you would want to figure out how to tell more Wolverine stories. So either we would try to entice Hugh to come back and eat more chicken and work out for a few months, or we would have to figure out a creative way to move forward. Honestly, I can’t imagine anybody else playing the part, and there’s not too many characters I can say that for.”

So, basically, at this point, Plan A is, “We back up the money truck to Hugh’s front door and beg really, really hard.” If that doesn’t work, I wonder what their “creative” solution would be? An animated Wolverine movie perhaps? Or is Bryan Singer finally going to free the Hugh Jackman clone he’s been growing his basement?

What do you folks think? Do you want to see Logan recast, or should Hugh Jackman remain the definitive cinematic Wolverine?

(Via Digital Spy)