‘Ghostbusters’ For Guys Is Still Alive And Kicking, Says Writer Drew Pearce

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Paul Feig’s female-driven Ghostbusters remake is currently in production in Boston, which is substituting for a smaller, cleaner and generally nicer version of New York City. Meanwhile, the “other” Ghostbusters reboot attempt — which supposedly died in June — is actually very much alive over at Sony. I’m talking, of course, about the version that may or may not feature Channing Tatum and Chris Pratt.

While promoting Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation with MTV, writer Drew Pearce chatted up the script he just finished:

“I’ve finished my work on that in the last couple weeks,” he said. “Obviously it’s top secret, but there’s a gigantic bold idea that I came up with, and the Russo brothers — who did ’Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ and are doing ’Civil War’ at the moment — and Ivan Reitman, who did the original movie, are going to take that and run with it. Obviously I cannot tell you what it is, but hopefully in one year’s time you’ll know!”

Yes, that’s right. Original Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman and Joe and Anthony Russo, the “Russo brothers” of Marvel fame, are currently mulling over Pearce’s script for the new “Ghostbusters for guys.” As for whether or not Tatum and Pratt will actually be involved, the writer admitted both were preferred but not a serious lock:

“Whether that happens or not is very much above my pay grade. It’s just my job to give them something exciting that maybe they’ll do.”

That’s cool and all, but what about Feig’s own film? Considering the amount of flack the all-female remake has seen (especially via the Internet’s hoard of immovable neckbeards), would these two films be able to coexist in any way, shape or form? Pearce seems to think so:

“My personal inclination is to try and make everything occur in the same ’Ghostbusters’ universe, because I feel, as a fan, that’s what I would want,” he said. “Standing here in New York, you just wanna tie it all together. Whether that happens or not we’ll see, but I’ve certainly given them the tools to do that, I hope.”

Either way, Sony and everyone else wins because they’ll be taking all of our money.

(Via MTV)