J.J. Abrams Regrets Not Directing ‘Star Wars: Episode VIII’

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The whole Force Awakens gang will return in 2017 for Star Wars: Episode VIII. Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac! Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford (it’s true)! Everyone but director and co-screenwriter J.J. Abrams, who’s using his sci-fi clout to crowdfund another season of Felicity, I assume. He passed the reigns to Rian Johnson, which is great for us (he directed Brick, Looper, and the best episode of Breaking Bad, “Ozymandias”), but bad news for Abrams, who regrets his decision after reading Episode VIII‘s script.

“He read it and said something he never, ever says,” [Greg] Grunberg, who plays [a] pilot in the new film, tells the Post’s Comic Riffs. “He said: ‘It’s so good, I wish I were making it.’

“He may have said something one time on Lost, with Damon [Lindelof, the co-creator],” continues Grunberg, whose credits on Abrams series include Felicity, “but I never hear him express regret like that.” (Via Washington Post)

Grunberg (who starred in the best TV movie ever, Frankenstein: The College Years) also wishes Abrams had agreed to direct Episode VIII. Without his buddy on set, there’s no guarantee he’ll get to reprise his role as Snap Wexley. It’s every child’s dream to play a pilot named SNAP WEXLEY in a Star Wars movie.

(Via the Washington Post)

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