New ‘Batman V Superman’ Pictures Give A Better Look At Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, And More

Entertainment Weekly was on the set of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for their double-issue Comic-Con preview on newsstands now. They released a bunch of new photos, the largest release from this movie yet, as well as some quotes from Ben Affleck and Zack Snyder. We’ll spare you the quote from Snyder comparing filmmaking with one of the hardest ultramarathons because come on.

As seen above, Batman and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) meet at a swanky party, about which Ben Affleck tells EW, “I love the fact that there was this Thomas Crown Affair, Bond-y sexy scene that they wrote about two people who are pretending to be two different people who each know the secrets of the other person.”

Affleck also spoke to EW about where Batman is in his life and why he wants to fight Superman (other than “because I’m Batman“).

“He’s on the verge of being swallowed up by the anger and the rage that we see haunt this character in the other manifestations of it,” says Affleck. “But this guy is further down the line and has become more embittered and cynical.” Worried that Superman’s unequaled power makes him more of a potential fascistic overlord than the hero we need, he makes it his duty to take him out of the sky for good.

And here’s the picture of Batman squaring off against Superman with the help of “strength-augmenting armor and, yes, kryptonite.” It’s a design inspired by Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns.

And here’s a selection from Lex Luthor’s silly wig collection.

Loved him in Juno.

The rest of the photos are available at Entertainment Weekly, with additional content in this week’s print edition.