Debbie Reynolds’ ‘Halloweentown’ Co-Star Penned A Lovely Tribute After Her Death

Debbie Reynolds, the star of stage and screen who passed on Wednesday just one day after daughter Carrie Fisher, was a hero to people from many generations. Her fearlessness, bright personality, and endless energy while performing was unsurpassed and as such she had just as many fans for Singin’ In The Rain as she did for Mother decades later. Her youngest set of fans probably comes from the Halloweentown series, of which she participated in three total films for the Disney Channel.

Anybody who was a tween in the late 90’s or early aughts probably loved Reynolds as the loving but strong willed Aggie Cromwell, always ready to solve a family problem or world-changing evil plot with just a touch of magic. It was a performance that recalled memories of many people’s loving grandmother just with a bit of magical powers involved, which was largely due to Reynolds’ talents on screen. After her passing, series lead Kimberly J. Brown penned a loving tribute to her television grandma.

You can read the full note over at Variety, but the sweet and loving relationship matches stories told by many others and captures Debbie’s spirit. Brown says of being cast,

I knew in that first moment of finding out I was going to play her granddaughter that getting the chance to work with such a legend was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. One movie grew to three movies and many more years of friendship. I am beyond grateful for my time spent working with her and being touched by her special spirit. She was the best.

I appreciated that she always treated me like a peer, even at 13, encouraging me with that twinkle in her eye along the way. As I grew older and we worked together more, her jokes and stories became a little bawdier and I was riveted. She loved sharing wisdom and making you laugh at her own expense. It made her day to make someone else happy.

Their relationship didn’t end after the series did, which must have seemed like a dream for a young actress. Or anybody in Hollywood, for that matter. Hollywood may have been rough on Debbie at times, but as Kimberly puts it that never dragged her down completely.

I was always in awe of her fierce spirit. She had that unique ability to stand up for what she believed in all while doing it with such grace and respect for others. Whether it was a crew member, fan, or fellow actor, everyone mattered to her and she made sure they felt appreciated.

She appreciated that after all the years of highs and lows in this crazy entertainment industry, she still got to come out, perform, and make people happy. She valued what a gift it is to be in that position, and no matter how famous she got, she did it with such humility and love. And that’s why she was loved by so many.

Debbie will be missed by many, simply because she blessed so many people with her presence and kind heart.

(via Variety)