Frankie Muniz — Yes, That Frankie Muniz — Is Selling A Car From ‘The Fast And The Furious’

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After Malcolm In the Middle was canceled in 2006, Frankie Muniz In the Middle focused more on race-car driving than acting. A return to the Malcolm-verse isn’t out of the question — he recently tweeted, “How fun would Malcolm In the Mid-life Crisis be? I wonder what Malcolm and his family would be up to now!”; Bryan Cranston is interested — but the My Dog Skip star is happy playing himself on Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23 and The Mysteries of Laura (it was weird), and owning cars from The Fast and the Furious.

Muniz put Jesse’s 1995 Volkswagen Jetta from the first Furious movie up for sale at Barrett-Jackson, the “world’s greatest car collector auction.” It comes with a free Playstation 2, and is signed by Paul Walker, among others.

Used in the filming of the original Fast and Furious movie. Now owned by Frankie Muniz of TV, movie, music, and racing fame. The car is still like it was when the movie was filmed. The car has made several appearances over the years to help promote the movie franchise. It is powered by a 2.0-liter 4-cylinder engine with automatic transmission. The car is set up with custom stereo that incorporates a Playstation 2 inside the car. A piece of movie history, this car is signed by actor Paul Walker, Chad Lindberg (who played “Jesse”), and director Rob Cohen. (Via

“Now owned by Frankie Muniz of TV, movie, music, and racing fame” is my new favorite sentence. It’s nice of Barrett-Jackson to show Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London the respect it deserves. Anyway, you have to request bidder info to see how much the Jetta is going for, but I’d pay twice as much for Hal’s outfit from that one Malcolm episode.

(Via Barrett-Jackson)