All Of Your Favorite Movie Characters Party And Fight In Genre-Bending Mashup, ‘Hell’s Club’

Another day has gone by, and another outstanding movie mashup has risen above the internet ranks and hit our radar. The genre-bending video in question is titled Hell’s Club, and it takes the viewer on a roughly nine-minute trip into the color-tinted world of movie nightclubs. This fictional party spot is one happenin’ locale where all your favorite movie characters go to let off some steam, dance, and get into shootouts, apparently.

YouTuber Antonio Maria Da Silva successfully (for the most part) blends together countless movie clips into one relatively seamless scene which features the likes of damn near everyone. Just to name a few, we’ve got Blade, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the goddamn Terminator, Tony Montana, Carlito Brigante, John Wick, Neo, Pinhead, The Mask and even Michael frickin’ Jackson. The action that ends up transpiring unfolds in a rather kinetic way, all set to a few different remixes of the Bee Gees’ timeless hit “Stayin’ Alive.”

While there are a few missteps in editing style — which leads to a sort of sensory overload near the clip’s end — the overall video is pretty damn impressive. It’s also a kick to see the older and younger versions of some actors — Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino, and John Travolta, to name a few — interact with one another on screen. One can only imagine the time and effort Da Silva put into bringing this piece together and — all in all — it’s definitely worth nine minutes of your time.