Jared Leto And Mark Ruffalo Attended New York Comic Con In These Creepy Disguises

Celebrities wearing masks to walk around undetected at Comic Con isn’t a new phenomenon. Bryan Cranston once walked around San Diego Comic-Con in a creepy Walter White mask, which Aaron Paul later made out with. Adam Savage of MythBusters can be spotted in costume at SDCC just about any year, most recently with Chris Hadfield as astronauts.

Now New York Comic Con is also seeing its share of incognito celebrities. Jared Leto attended NYCC wearing a mandrill mask (think Rafiki from The Lion King, although he’s not quite a mandrill) and took photos of Harley Quinn and Joker cosplayers, particularly the ones cosplaying the Suicide Squad versions. He posted some of the photos on Snapchat with the caption “THEY HAD NO IDEA #nycc” and posted others on Instagram and Twitter:



But it wasn’t only DC Comics actors getting in on the disguised NYCC fun. Marvel’s Hulk, Mark Ruffalo, wanted to take his son to NYCC without interruptions, so he wore this unnerving Luigi costume:


That Luigi is going to replace the other Luigi in my nightmares.

(Via BuzzFeed)