The Bees Have Begun Their Revolt

We sometimes receive video and picture tips that are rather vague, and they’re not always easy for our crack research team (read: two homeless guys addicted to meth) to figure out. For instance, Croatian bodybuilder Robopanda sent me a clip of a soccer match this morning, and while I know that I can call Las Carretas for catering services, I don’t know much else about this game, nor do I need to. Because there’s not a chance in hell that I would ever go to a soccer field that is also home to a billion bees.

During this soccer match of unknown origins, bees swarmed the field and attacked the players, and while I’m no beeologist, I do know that if you’re being attacked by a bee, let alone thousands of bees, you need to get the F out of Dodge. You are not supposed to lie down and stay perfectly still and/or swing your arms wildly as if fending off a rapist. Additionally, I think it’s safe to say that you shouldn’t drape a large piece of cloth over someone being attacked by bees to trap them in with his face. But maybe these soccer players knew something I don’t.

(Via Nothing to do With Arbroath)

And while this may be one of my biggest nightmares personified – bees and soccer? – I know one person who hates it even more than I do…

Oh, and also…