Blake Griffin Is An Intern For Funny Or Die

By all accounts, Blake Griffin is the perfect athlete. He’s incredibly talented, charming, intelligent, funny, and he doesn’t say idiotic things that get him into trouble. In fact, if I had a sister, I would try to organize a scenario in which she could trap him into marriage with a fake pregnancy. But I don’t, so I’ll have to settle for this wig and pillow under my shirt. Now, Griffin is taking the charm a step further by putting his talents and spare NBA lockout time to good use as an intern for Funny or Die.

Which reminds me, Kate Upton has yet to answer our invitation for her to be our With Leather intern. I know that she probably has a busy schedule, but she could at least respond to my letter. Those magazine letters don’t cut themselves out.

Back to Griffin… According the Associated Press:

“Just to get an inside look at how things are run here is exciting to me,” Griffin said by phone Tuesday. “I don’t know what interns at Funny Or Die are like, but I’m about to find out, I guess.”

Mike Farah, president of production at Funny Or Die, pledged that Griffin will be treated like other interns. He noted that the 22-year-old Griffin is, after all, about the same age as most of the site’s college interns. (The others, of course, may not be able to dunk over midsize sedans.)

“We’re going to put him to work,” said Farah. “He’s shooting a series of videos, and he’s also coming to meetings. He’s basically doing everything that an intern does.”

Griffin has been on the job for a few days now, and while he hasn’t starred in any of the site’s trademark videos yet, he has been taking his duties pretty seriously.

First, he brought everybody lunch.

Then he did whatever the hell it is that he’s doing here.

Clearly, we’ll be following this story closely as it develops.