Full Contact Skydiving Is An Insane Blend Of MMA And Jumping Out Of Planes

From the mind of a whackaloon by the name of Jorg Ingstrom comes Full Contact Skydiving. What, exactly, is Full Contact Skydiving?

Full Contact Skydiving shall be defined as a mixed martial art combat sport occurring in the free-fall portion of a standard skydiving jump.

That sounds insane! What is the basis of this crazy pants sport? It’s the blend of Norwegian Jiu-Jitsu (The only ground fighting system that takes place entirely in the air!) and Skuay Thai, which is a lot like Muay Thai, only a million times more difficult because both dudes are free falling.

The rules are pretty simple, the fight starts from a 15,000 foot free fall, and both combatants must pull their chutes at the 4,000 foot mark. I’m from Alabama, so I can’t math out the minimum amount of time it would take to fall 11,000 feet. The other rules state that fighters are not allowed to interfere with each other’s ability to pull their parachute, or attempt to strangle each other with the cords of the parachute.

Also, fighting while on the ground is prohibited, which was a rule probably put in place after Dan Henderson’s free fall punch to Michael Bisping at UFC 100.

Please never attempt Full Contact Skydiving without wearing a Go Pro and allowing With Leather exclusive footage of your fight.