This Fetus Is Doing The Dab, And Cam Newton Has Officially Ruined America’s Youth

cam newton dab
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They warned us. They told us that all that fun Cam Newton was having this season would destroy our children and, in turn, our beloved America. All that smiling and joy and happiness and exuberance would come at a price.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, we are paying that price.

WBTV in Charlotte has obtained an ultrasound photo of an unborn child doing what is very clearly The Dab, Cam’s signature celebration this season.

You might say that this is simply an image of a fetus caught in a position that is not premeditated in any way. That just makes you the latest Cam Apologist that doesn’t want to accept that Newton is sullying the fabric of our society with every Superman celebration.

There was a time when unborn children would simply accept the sonogram photo like they’d been there before. Creation, gestation, sliding out of the birth canal nine months later to no fanfare like the babies before them. This type of individualism will destroy the procreation process forever if someone doesn’t put it in its place.

But we’re probably too late to save this child. Eventually, just like his idol, instead of being smart and going feet-first, he will slide head-first through the smallest of openings just to gain a couple stat-padding yards.

Football and the gift of life, all ruined by Cam Newton this season.

(Via WBTV)