NBA Camera Men Are A Danger To Us All

I try to keep my Orlando Magic homerisms to a minimum around these parts because people complain about it, but one of the greatest moments of my life as a sports fan came this summer when the Magic got the Philadelphia 76ers to take Jason Richardson. That’s not a knock on the 6ers, by any means. My beef was always with Otis Smith for giving J-Rich that stupid 4-year deal before last season, but the rumor was that Smith only did it because Dwight Howard told him to. This is just my roundabout way of saying that the Magic now have two more wins than I expected them to have before December.

That said, I don’t have any hard feelings toward J-Rich, because it’s not his fault that Otis loved handing out horrible contracts to the point that the Magic had to give away the best center in the game to any team that was willing to take on Chris Duhon’s ridiculous contract. So it sucks that Richardson was injured in the opening minutes of last night’s 6ers loss against the red hot New York Knicks.

The Knicks were paced by Carmelo Anthony’s 27 points, but the big highlight was Richardson spraining his ankle after he stepped on a camera man’s foot early in the game. And you can bet Richardson wasn’t too happy about it.

“They really don’t belong down there – you see what happens,” said Richardson, who suffered the sprain when he stepped on a cameraman’s foot at Madison Square Garden. “It creates all kinds of problems for players. There’s got to be a better way.”

I agree. Especially since the camera man was all like, “Toot toot toot, gotta film a game. Don’t care that I just screwed up a guy’s season, toot toot toot.” How do you live with yourself, nameless camera bro?

(H/T to the Basketball Jones)