Miss. Legislators Dusting Off ‘Col. Reb’?

The south is at it again. Don’t get me wrong, I love being on the leisurely side of the Mason-Dixon line, but man, they need to hire an image consultant. Yes, all 17-ish southern states. One image consultant. Economies of scale there. And yes, it should probably be a minority. Anyway, the state legislature in Mississippi wants to bring back “Colonel Reb,” the not-exactly-racist mascot that its eponymous Oxford university started removing from the school’s identity since 2003.

House Bill 1106, authored by Duvall, would amend the state code, adding a provision that the University of Mississippi “shall bear the nickname ‘Ole Miss Rebels’ and its mascot shall be ‘Colonel Rebel.’ “[…]

In a post titled “Mark DuVall: Epic MetaTroll or Disgruntled, Slightly Empowered Redneck?” the Red Cup Rebellion blog writes: “Unless they’re trying to strip Ole Miss of the educational shackles enforced by the (state College Board) or beef up the school’s annual budget, the Legislature of Mississippi really needn’t meddle further with Ole Miss’ affairs.”

–Clarion-Ledger [MS], via College Football Blog.

DuVall, it should be noted, is an Ole Miss alum and a freshman rep in the state House, so he may not be aware that the purpose of the state legislature isn’t to serve as a magic wish machine. Or, maybe it does. That would explain why their state is $13 billion in debt.