NBC Is Having A Hard Time Identifying Flags For The Winter Olympics

A fun idea for future Summer and Winter Olympics coverage would be to let school children pick out all of the information that NBC reveals about each country, because I’m not sure that it would be much different than what we’re learning from the network now. As if the 2014 Sochi Games couldn’t be any more of a mess, things aren’t exactly going swimmingly on the TV production front for NBC, as people can’t even seem to get their flags right.

“Come on,” I’m sure people will say, “These people are under a lot of pressure to get the footage and graphics produced quickly. You can’t expect them to be perfect.” I respect that point of view, especially because it’s mine, but nothing is so important and breaking about a tied hockey game update that someone couldn’t have looked up from his Mad Libs, looked at the graphic preview and said, “Dude, the flags are wrong. Canada doesn’t even have anything to do with this game. Come on.”

But if you think this one’s bad, you should see how they’re butchering the flags on the local news level.

(Banner via @NBCSportsRoc, above via @NoahCRothman)