Someone At The Super Bowl Accidentally Painted The Broncos Logos In Both End Zones

In a scene that feels like it could have come straight from Snickers’ old “Not Going Anywhere For A While” ad campaign, the grounds crew for Super Bowl 50 made quite the error this week when they accidentally painted both end zones at Levi’s Stadium with only the Broncos logo, leaving out the Panthers entirely.

Great googly moogly. We’re confident this was just an honest mistake, and not some kind of passive-aggressive metaphor by a humorous grounds crew member.

Later, CBS photographer James Martin captured the following picture of the end zone after crews quickly corrected the mistake, but you could still somewhat make out the faint remains of where the Broncos logo had stood earlier in the day.

Thankfully, as confirmed by the person who runs the Twitter account for Levi’s Stadium, all is well that ends well, and by Thursday evening, the Panthers logo maintained its rightful place on its side of the stadium.

Super Bowl 50 can now begin. Thank goodness.

(Via Bleacher Report)