Update: Ronda Rousey Is A Sex Hypocrite

A sex hypocrite. For sex hookers!

Okay, not really. But hey, remember that interview UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion Ronda Rousey gave to Jim Rome back in November where she said she tries to have as much sex as possible before she fights because it raises her testosterone levels? Remember how your response to that was probably, “I should try to hang out with Ronda Rousey as much as possible before she fights?”

If you are a TUF 18 fighter, do as Ronda says, not as Ronda does.

“If they’re the chick that was screwing around the house, for the rest of their career they’re going to be known as the chick that was screwing around the house. Sponsors are going to be looking at that. Everybody’s going to be looking at that,” she told MMA Junkie.

“If you think it’s $100,000 worth of that lay [ed. note – she talkin ’bout boning], then go for it, but I’m just going to remind them that there’s a lot of very permanent consequences to how they carry themselves in the house,” Rousey went on.

Of course, the situations aren’t identical. If you’re Ronda Rousey and you’re having sex in your personal day-to-day life, people are gonna give you the thumbs up. If you’re a contestant on a reality show with cameras filming you all the time, you’re already being judged and pop-culturally identified by what the editor chooses to use … the last thing you want is to bet the Trishelle of the female coaches season. Maybe the Brynn, but not the Trishelle.

I think the fighters on TUF should listen to whatever Ronda says, and if she tells them she’ll fine them for not jumping off a bridge, they should jump the hell off a bridge. If not for the wisdom and advice, do it for armbar avoidance.

[h/t to Cage Potato]