Was Washington’s Chris Baker Hit With A Cheesesteak After He Was Ejected During Sunday’s Game?

One of the more talked about moments of the young NFL season occurred during the 4th quarter of yesterday’s Washington-Philly game. After Nick Foles threw an interception, Washington defensive lineman Chris Baker came barreling through with the mother-of-all cheap shots, sending Foles flying to the grass. The hit led to an all-out brawl that sent Baker and Eagles offensive lineman Jason Peters packing to the locker room.

Here is the hit that sparked it all.

As Baker headed to the tunnel, he was greeted with taunts, boos and flying objects from angry Philly fans. Now, here’s where it gets interesting. According to the Washington Post’s Dan Steinberg, one of the objects that hit Baker was a cheesesteak. Or was it?

He Zapruder Film’d that bad boy and what do you know, there’s a flying cheesesteak on the right side of the screen.

But wait, there’s more. It wasn’t just a cheesesteak that was thrown. No sir. Steinberg says there were “cheesesteak innards.”

A second source was more specific, for very personal reasons. He reported that he was actually hit in the face with a paper cup that had been filled with “cheesesteak innards,” these innards including “cheese and big meat slabs.” The slabs of meat, he added, were “Geno’s style — not Pat’s,” which I guess makes them more slab-like.

So, in conclusion, don’t get thrown out of a game at Philly because you will have cheesesteak, whiz, tartar sauce, and extra slabs of meat thrown on you. You will basically become a potpourri of cheesesteak fixin’s.

[Washington Post]