

The reason I avoid talking about politics here isn’t because I’m not interested in how our country’s run; it’s because I can’t stand the fervent idiocy that has taken over political discussion. We can have perfectly reasonable debates about the merits of anything from “Jersey Shore” to “Mad Men,” but mention health care and suddenly people are being called fascists and communists. It’s goddamn lunacy.

When the Arizona shootings happened on Saturday, it was a momentary blip that distracted me from my focus on the Seahawks game. Since then, I’ve been in my usual habit of ignoring the news cycle, catching only bits of information like Gabrielle Giffords’s unlikely survival and the typical hubbub from Sarah Palin’s camp. So President Obama’s speech last night was my first in-depth exposure to the tragedy, and I found it profoundly moving.

I’ve embedded the speech above for anyone who missed it. The first 15 minutes are dedicated to the victims and survivors, and after that comes Obama’s wish that we can stop being such f*cksticks in our political discussions (I’m paraphrasing). You don’t have to watch it all, and you certainly don’t have to agree with me, but I wanted to share it with anyone who missed it. Your regular juvenile programming will return after this.