The Next TV Show The Internet Will (Maybe) Turn Into A Movie: 'Pushing Daisies'

Over the next few weeks, if not months, we’re going to hear a lot about what the success of the Veronica Mars‘ Kickstarter project means for the TV industry, and whether it’s a good thing, a bad thing, or both. I tend to think it’s more pro than con, but that’s only because the only shows that people have discussed resurrecting are ones that I love. Everything will turn to sh*t when Jim Belushi begins accepting donations for an According to Jim revival, assuming he can shut his woman up long enough for him to turn his computer on. Anyway, last night, fittingly on Pi Day, came word that the next canceled show to be turned into a film might be Pushing Daisies. LeePaceSmile.gif.

Getting back to the idea of other producers going to their studios to see if they can’t try this, what have you heard in the last 36 hours from colleagues in the business about this?

Rob Thomas: I did get an email from Bryan Fuller earlier today saying, “Hey, can you jump on the phone with me at some point? I know you’re busy, but I would love to talk to you about how this thing works.” And I know it was specifically for Pushing Daisies. (Via)

Please allow Patty Boots to have a moment. Pushing Daisies, one of TV’s most imaginative, charming shows ever, is just as beloved as Veronica Mars, but it might be tougher to bring back from the dead. It was very expensive to produce (those pies and They Might Be Giants covers don’t pay for themselves) and the cast is busy — Lee Pace recently joined an AMC pilot, Anna Friel is playing Coach Taylor’s sister on Showtime’s The Vatican, and Kristin Chenoweth still hasn’t finished her Oscars song with Seth MacFarlane. Plus, Digby’s being a bitch to deal with.

So, on the off chance Pushing Daises: The Movie doesn’t get made, we’d also accept Better Off Ted.

(Via HitFix)