Jonah Hill Needs To Shut Up According To Jonah Hill On Letterman

Jonah Hill visited Letterman to talk about The Wolf of Wall Street and win back some credibility lost from Allen Gregory and The Watch. In this clip, Hill gives us a look inside the creative process for Martin Scorsese, a chief influence for him and many others, and explains how he manage to f*ck that process up by running his mouth.

It was always very quiet so [Scorsese] could focus. And about five months in, I guess I just got too comfortable. And I had no idea what I was thinking, but I just started chatting away with one of the producers…and then all of the sudden my phone buzzes and I look at my phone and  it’s from his assistant Ashley and he goes, “you need to stop talking.”

So we learn a few things here. First that Jonah Hill is a chatty Cathy everywhere he goes, much like I suspected from seeing him in the funny pictures. Second, that Martin Scorsese won’t acknowledge you if he has trouble, he just has his assistant text you.

And I thought my roommate who left a strongly worded note about washing dishes was passive aggressive. Could be worse of course. David O. Russell might’ve cold cocked him.

Hill’s reaction is priceless though. I think I would’ve just lied in traffic if I was passively scolded by my life hero. At least he had the decency to go freak out in private.
