In Which Amy Poehler Tells An Amazing Story About Jon Hamm

Amy Poehler appeared at BookCon this weekend to discuss her upcoming book Yes, Please. She revealed some chapter titles (Ex: “Don’t Worry, I Don’t Want to F*ck Your Husband”), and confirmed that, yes, the book will cover her divorce in some capacity. But most importantly, she told a really great story about Jon Hamm. You see, Jon Hamm was hosting Saturday Night Live, and Amy Poehler was pregnant. Super pregnant. And disaster struck.

Take it away, Amy.

Jon Hamm was hosting Saturday Night Live, his first time, and I was just getting to know him, and we were doing a sketch, a Mad Men sketch, I was dressed in an old-timey way, in a big dress, and I was huge. And I had, my plan was that I was gonna do the Jon Hamm show and I was due the next day. And it was an example of the beginning of what children do to you, which is they f*ck up all your plans. So I remember saying to my doctor, Dr. G, ‘I’m gonna do the show and I’ll come in Sunday, and maybe we’ll do it Sunday/Monday.’

I did the sketch, I was shooting with Hamm on Friday, and I called my doctor ’cause at the end there you kind of have to call in every day, and the receptionist was crying. I said, ‘What’s wrong?’ and she said, ‘Oh, he passed away last night.’

I was due the next day. So it’s my first kid, I’m in a Mad Men outfit, I turn to everybody and I hysterically start crying, and a really pregnant woman crying is terrifying. So, juicy tears just like squirting out of my eyes. And it was like the punch line to a joke, it’s like, my doctor just died and I’m due tomorrow. And Jon Hamm, who I am just getting to know, comes over and puts his hands on my shoulder and is like, ‘This is a really important show for me. I’m gonna need you to get your sh*t together.’ And I laughed so hard, I probably peed myself – I believe that going through crying to laughing adds like five years to your life.


Please be advised: This is now the second greatest story about Jon Hamm. Nothing will ever top the one about him and Paul Rudd playing Trivial Pursuit as teenagers, with both of them trying to win the heart of a young woman who would go on to play Nina Myers on 24. But this? This is still a dang good story.

Source: Vulture