Watch ‘Agent Carter’ Balance Friends And Violence In This First Clip

Agent Carter has been building a substantial head of steam over the last few months. The miniseries, built around Peggy Carter from Captain America: The First Avenger, follows Carter in 1946 as she is rewarded for her faithful wartime service of kicking HYDRA’s butt all across Europe by being demoted to the steno pool. Howard Stark promptly deputizes her to hunt down his stolen technology, in the manner of all Stark men, and we’re off to the races. But it means Peggy has a secret life to balance, as we see in this clip.

It’s an interesting idea for a few reasons. The first is that we get to see the first seeds being laid for the major plot twist in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And secondly, it will tie into Agents of SHIELD, which has just dropped a few major reveals and is primed to become the glue that ties together the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

And who knows, maybe she’ll come across Jack Murdock or something. We’ll find out January 6th at the two-hour premiere.