Jon Hamm Stars In The Christmas Special For The Immensely Weird ‘Black Mirror’

“YOU HAVEN’T SEEN [fill in TV show name here]?!? OMG, YOU NEED TO.” You’ve probably heard people fill in that blank with The Wire, Deadwood, The Shield, and dozens of other shows that your life LITERALLY won’t be complete until you’ve seen. Well, here’s another: Black Mirror. YOU HAVEN’T SEEN BLACK MIRROR?!” OMG, YOU NEED TO.

It’s the rare show that lives up to the immense hype. Black Mirror is a British series that’s part sci-fi, part dark comedy, part horror, part the world is f*cked, with none of the hyperactive cuteness of Doctor Who, and now the entire thing (only six episodes over two series) is available on Netflix Instant. You can get through all of it in a day, or at least before December 16th, when the Christmas special with Jon Hamm and Games of Thrones‘ Oona Chaplin airs.

So watch Black Mirror. It’s what Baby Ned would want.