The Best Moments And Most Repeatable Lines From This Week’s Outdoorsy ‘Better Call Saul’

This week’s Better Call Saul added a few more layers to the Jimmy McGill story, and it ended with a strong setup for next week. Let’s take a look at the best moments from “Nacho.”

Worried for the Kettlemans’ safety, Jimmy tried warning them in his “sex robot” voice.

After which the Kettlemans went missing.

The cops think Nacho did it, even though he didn’t get to, and Nacho thinks Jimmy snitched on him, even though he didn’t. Not a good time for Jimmy.

Also, Mike is not a fan.

But Jimmy has a theory.

Mike believes Jimmy, and even helps him out a bit.

He must really believe after this happened.

While at the Kettlemans’ house, Jimmy finds a clue.

And one hiking montage later, we find the family safe and sound.

Jimmy confronts them…

…and he finds out the Kettlemans aren’t only in fear for their safety.

That tangled web will only get weaved further next week.