Watch James Corden Deprive People Of Their Pizza While Playing ‘Mystery Box’ On ‘The Late Late Show’

After joining Tom Hanks for a quick run through his film career, James Corden kept the party going on his second night as host of The Late Late Show last night, and nothing says “party” like pizza. The problem is, Corden didn’t just bring pizza to the unsuspecting people he visited during a remote segment last night, he brought intrigue, as well.

The “game” is called, “Mystery Pizza Box,” and it basically asks people who ordered pizza to decide whether they want a box of cheesy doughy goodness or another prize. One guy got $100 (dropped on his pie in a way that made my germaphobic senses twitch), another got a pizza made out of clay. The best and weirdest part? I don’t want to give too much away, but it involves sumo wrestlers.