James Corden Argues The Downside Of Having McDonald’s Breakfast All Day

Earlier this week, McDonald’s stealthily decided to start test marketing all-day breakfast menus, with the possibility that one day, you might be able to get McDonald’s breakfast after 10:30 a.m. nationwide. Most people are in favor of an all-day McDonald’s breakfast, but newbie Late Late Show host James Corden is not on board with the idea, and I have to say, the man makes a good argument.

On last night’s monologue, Corden points out that if you let people have McDonald’s breakfast all day, it will be too accessible, taking the thrill and excitement out of it, just like the internet did to porn. That is… kind of the most brilliant analogy I’ve ever heard. The Egg McMuffin is the equivalent of a beloved, crusty old issue of Penthouse. Let’s not turn it into YouPorn.