Aaron Paul Just Punked Everyone Into Thinking A Jesse Pinkman-Centric ‘Breaking Bad’ Spinoff Was Coming


Aaron Paul is currently filming Central Intelligence with Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart in Boston. However, the former Breaking Bad actor decided to let his fans on social media know that something was coming. Something big and, more importantly, something everyone would be really, really be excited for.

On Saturday, he posted the above photo onto Instagram, saying that he couldn’t “wait to tell you what this is all about.” Never mind the fact that he was eating and drinking WITHOUT EVERYONE ELSE.

Then, on Monday night, he launched a Periscope livestream:


What was it about? Welp, considering that Periscope is a livestreaming app attached to Twitter, you have to tune in when it’s happening or you’ll miss it. Luckily, the video was ripped and uploaded to YouTube (because the Internet eventually eats itself):

Basically, it’s 12+ minutes of choppy video from Paul’s hotel room in Boston, in which he rambles on about something that involves his Breaking Bad character Jesse Pinkman and the show’s creator, Vince Gilligan. You can’t really tell from this version, but the bored actor basically punked everyone. Here’s some clarification:

That just happened. Because of his hotel-bound boredom, Paul decided to tease the Internet about a possible Breaking Bad spinoff featuring Jesse’s return. To his credit, he quickly apologized:


But that didn’t stop his followers’ wrath:

In an ultimate sign of bored, apologetic desperation, Paul hosted another Periscope and asked if anyone would be interested in attending a movie with him and his friends. And if you think he’s joking, he posted the title, time and location to Twitter:


Traffic’s already bad enough in this city, and now this. Thanks a lot, b*tch.

(Via Instagram, Twitter and YouTube)