Ted Nugent Will Still Watch ‘Heartbreaking’ Megyn Kelly During His Naked Gun-Loading Sessions

Ted Nugent Hosts Pre-show BBQ
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Ted Nugent is back to business after a brief diversion where he stopped cheering for Donald Trump every waking moment. Nugent grew distracted by the Cecil the Lion story, which he said was a big old, high-falutin’ lie. Now the pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-hat Nugent is back for more Trump shenanigans. Last time around, Nugent said Trump deserved the Medal of Freedom. Now Nugent is taking on the Megyn Kelly scandal.

Nugent is not a fan of how Kelly stepped outside the party line by asking Trump about his disparaging statements about women. Nugent wants Kelly to feel the full wrath of his disapproval, so he spoke with WIBX’s Keeler in the Morning. In doing so, Nugent unironically made disparaging comments about how he likes to watch Kelly:

“I’m a big fan of Donald Trump because I believe in bold, aggressive, unapologetic truth. Period. I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly, though I often turn on Fox just to look at her. Sometimes when I’m loading my magazines I like to just look at her, and I usually sit naked on the couch dropping hot brass on my stuff. I’m afraid the gorgeous, stunning, otherwise professional and tuned-in Megan Kelly absolutely fell off the cliff of political correctness obnoxious, meaningless, nonsensical, biased question for Donald Trump.

“Megyn Kelly is heartbreaking because she’s so good, so smart most of the time. [She] broke all of our hearts when she went into the status quo world. She isn’t status quo, but she started acting, and sounding, and looking like one, and I don’t believe she is. I think she is playing some games, either that or she’s getting bad advice, either that or she’s just getting stupid. Either way, Trump is the good guy. Megyn Kelly ain’t.”

Nugent went on to praise Trump for fighting the “culture war” the correct way, “not like Mr. Rogers,” which is apparently what the other candidates are doing. Nugent says the other guys are idiots for “talking in a calm tone.” So, what we have here is a sexist musician who supports a sexist candidate who says sexist things about women. Perhaps Nugent would make an even better running mate than Sarah Palin for Trump.

(Via Mediaite)