Here’s ‘Star Wars’ Done In The Style Of The ‘True Detective’ Season One Opening Credits

True Detective‘s first season marked itself as unique and refreshing from the moment the Handsome Family’s haunting opening credits song “Far From Any Road” kicked off. The second season… not so much. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed it. But when you make one of the best television shows ever and then try to do it again (from scratch), you may not always live up to everyone’s expectations.

Instead of complaining, though, let’s enjoy this mashup featuring Star Wars characters and landscapes lovingly laid over True Detective‘s first season opening credits. The guys at the Star Wars Minute took a lot of time making this a perfect shot-for-shot reproduction, and, if you really like it, you can watch a video with the side-by-side comparison here.

Meanwhile, this video is really making me jones for the Boba Fett prequel, now pegged for sometime in 2018. Just seeing him in this True Detective video with haunting jangling country guitar accompaniment gave me goosebumps. What can I say, I love the Fett. He can fall down my Sarlacc pit any time. *wink*

(via Reddit)