Here’s Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting From ‘Big Bang Theory’ Losing It While Playing Trivia With Adorable Puppies

Look, Jimmy Fallon gets it rough for his silly games and pandering a good bit of the time. Some of it is deserved, but there are moments when you can put all that criticism aside and give him a nod of acceptance. This is one of those times.

The last time Fallon played this particular game, Salma Hayek sat across from him and got to play around with puppies. This time it is Big Bang Theory star Kaley Couco-Sweeting and she just can’t seem to handle all the adorable puppies that just seem to keep coming out from backstage. It’s a neverending stream of puppies, each just as adorable as the last. Almost enough to melt even the blackest, coldest heart (likely staring deep into the abyss at the moment).

I don’t even care too much about the questions, or Fallon, or the fact that this all takes place in what seems to be a classical study. Just give me the puppies.

(Via The Tonight Show)