Aubrey Plaza: Lifetime’s Grumpy Cat Christmas Movie Is ‘The Most Insane Thing I’ve Ever Seen’

Aubrey Plaza went on Kimmel last night to promote Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever, the upcoming Lifetime holiday movie that will see her voice one of the Internet’s most famous perpetually cantankerous pets. If the idea of a real actual Christmas movie based on a meme about an ill-tempered cat seems a little weird and/or insane to you, I am pleased to report that you are not alone. Here are some things Plaza says about the film during this interview:

  • “It really is, I think, the most insane thing I’ve ever seen — ever seen on page and ever seen come to life.”
  • “I think people are going to be blown away by it, and I’m not kidding.”
  • “It’s really the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s so confusing.”
  • It operates on, I think, many levels of irony. So many that I can’t even tap into them all. And I think Lifetime has maybe tapped into only one level.”
  • “Grumpy had a bigger entourage than I did.”
  • “Grumpy will not be in a litter box or associated with bodily functions.”

Actually, to be fair, that last thing was something Grumpy Cat’s agent said to her. (There’s a lot to unpack there.) And Plaza does appear to be saying most of this with some combination of deadpan irony and an “I can’t believe I’m promoting a movie about Grumpy Cat” look in her eyes. Still, this is all very strange. But you saw the trailer for the film, which features Grumpy Cat blowing up a mansion with dynamite and using a toy machine gun on bad guys, so you probably knew that already.

Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever airs on November 29th at 8:00 pm ET.