A ‘Bachelor’ Contestant Finally Realized That ‘The Bachelor’ Is Total Horsesh*t

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Look, I’m going to put this out right now. I’ve never seen an episode of The Bachelor in my entire life, mostly because I’m the kind of chick you only wish you were married to. To that effect, it always warms my heart when I hear about some big pop culture phenomenon I have a slight disdain for unraveling, which is why I find this Huffington Post article so interesting. Apparently on this week’s episode, contestant Andi Dorfman called out bachelor Juan Pablo — who we all already know is a giant, gay-hating sh*theel — on his crap, basically calling him an a**hole and sh*tty person.

Last night, contestant Andi Dorfman, an ombre-haired assistant district attorney from Atlanta, took known-homophobe and former soccer pro Juan Pablo to task. After spending a private night together in a “fantasy suite,” Dorfman confessed that she couldn’t wait to for it to end, because, to put it succinctly, JP is a pretty sh*tty person to date. “Not once did he really ask anything about me,” she told the cameras. “I’m not unsure. I know he’s not the one.”

If this is a legitimate breakdown in the show’s formula and not some crappy ratings ploy — which it very well may be going by how much bad press this current Bachelor got — then this is kind of amazing. Since these type of shows portray such a whitewashed, scripted and edited concept of romance, the possibility of ‘happily ever after’ isn’t really an option until after the post-season press tour is wrapped up. Either way, as much as I wish this was the beginning of the end of The Bachelor until the next stupid thing comes along — it’s been eight whole years since Sanjaya and people are still gobbling up the American Idol turd sandwich.

Fake or not, the whole thing is worth it for Questlove and Black Thought of The Roots reenact this pivotal scene from Tuesday night’s show: