Mike’s Client On Last Night’s ‘Better Call Saul’ Used To Be A Fake ‘Yo-Yo Master’

Last night’s Better Call Saul featured a sub-plot of Mike going back to work for a client who thought he needed protection to trade some illegal prescription drugs with Nacho. The client was played Mark Proksch, also known as “Nate from the warehouse” on the last few seasons of The Office. Before breaking through in that role, Proksch was famous on the internet for a different reason.

In 2010, Proksch assumed the identity of Kenny “K-Strass” Strasser, a self professed “Yo-Yo Master” who tricked a bunch of mid-western local news morning shows into having him live, on-air. Of course, the joke was that the whole thing was an act, and every appearance was an unmitigated disaster. Yet, he managed to pull it off about a half dozen times before he finally got caught and the clips went viral. Speaking of viral clips, here’s a few to get you started:

Demonstrating a failed trick on air:

K-Strass on his dark past and “literally being in the gutter:”

K-Strass on the benefits of spanking your children:

After his cover finally got blown:

In an appearance on Team Coco Live in 2012:

I was actually lucky enough to see him open up for Neil Hamburger a few years back, and he did the same bucket trick in that above clip, only the girl he pulled out of the audience was wasted, could barely stand up straight and nearly fell off the stage. Comedy at its finest!