CNN Wants Joe Biden At The Democratic Presidential Debate, Although He’s Not In The Race

There are five presidential candidates slated to appear at the Democratic presidential debate, airing on CNN on Tuesday. Hillary Clinton will get to stand center stage. But that’s not enough for CNN.

The network is also reserving a sixth podium for Vice President Joe Biden, CNN reports, even though he hasn’t even entered the race.

According to ABC News, Biden is convening a family meeting to help him reach a final decision this weekend about whether he will run for the Democratic nomination for president. Reporters have been watching his Delaware house closely for any indication of this decision.

CNN hopes Biden will decide earlier than expected, because — as we all know — he’s so darn entertaining. Who could forget his gleeful showing against Paul Ryan during the VP debate in 2012? Or his meme-able thinking face?

If everybody tuned into the GOP debates just to hear what Donald Trump would say, do you think the Veep’s candor will also lead to ratings gold? I would definitely want to find out.

Of course, Biden just recently lost his son Beau to brain cancer, a factor that has led the Vice President to take his time with this decision, as he says in this moving interview with Stephen Colbert. If he has to skip a debate in order to do that, then more power to him.

(Via CNN)