Morning Links with Wiener Shades

It’s no secret that I hate putting together link dumps. But stick with me on this one — I’ve got some pictures and cat .GIFs that should make it worthwhile.

Why do video games have the best advertising? Seriously, I don’t even play video games, but every commercial makes me want to give up all my awesome social activities (like checking Tumblr) and play first-person shooters. [Uproxx]

Think of the restaurant websites! Did Steve Jobs and Adobe kill Flash? [Uproxx News]

A Guide to Recognizing Your Mascots. I’m pleased to announce that Brandon Stroud — who has filled in for me at Warming Glow before — has joined our sports branch with this examination of minor league mascots. [With Leather]

ADVENTURE MORMON! I already like the concept better than “Big Love.” [Tastefully Offensive]

Velocipastor. If the special effects in this trailer don’t make you laugh, there’s just no hope for you. Imagine if Barney wore a priest’s collar and went on a killing spree. Side note: Barney in a priest’s collar is the molestiest costume ever. [FilmDrunk]

Voltron is coming back! The new show will be on Nicktoons in May, and studios are looking to make a movie about people operating giant robotic space cats that join together to make a larger humanoid robot. It’s a timeless story. [Gamma Squad]

The truth about the ‘Arrested Development’ movie: Yeah, it’ll get made. In about 20 years. [Cracked via The Daily What]

The Internet is a beautiful place. There is now an entire website dedicated to one of the cats that I sometimes Photoshop into pictures. It’s glorious. Go to it. [The Legend of Fat Cat]

Gary Busey: still insane. Run, do not walk, to this GIF wall of Busey going bonkers during “Celebrity Apprentice.” [Best Week Ever]

And now to cleanse the palate… I don’t know who Ariane Grande is, but she’s 17 and getting soaked in a bikini on Nickelodeon. The resulting GIF probably taught a couple kids to masturbate for the first time. [CelebJihad]

And finally: CAT GIFS!

[via The Animal Blog and F Yeah Cat GIFs]