Sarah Wayne Callies Joins The ‘Prison Break’ Revival, And The Possibilities Are Endless

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For further proof that the Prison Break revival is happening, Sarah Wayne Callies is returning to her role as Dr. Sara Tancredi, escape accomplice and love interest for one Michael Scofield.

According to Mashable, Dr. Sara will be married to Mark Feuerstein when the show comes back, with them both raising the child she had with Michael. But then it turns out Michael isn’t really dead, and then there will be “the series’ biggest escape ever” to contend with. Dun dun dun!

So along with Wentworth Miller as Michael and Dominic Purcell as Lincoln, the original gang is back together! What will the new escape be? Will it involve El Chapo, and maybe how he’s connected to some government conspiracy involving the War on Drugs? That would be pretty topical.

Or maybe the new series will pull in Legends of Tomorrow, which both Miller and Purcell currently star in. Maybe there will be zombies and aliens, in a nod to Callies’ other shows? None of that would make much sense probably, but the new Prison Break has Michael coming back from the dead, so the possibilities are endless.

Since Prison Break‘s end, Callies has shown up on The Walking Dead, and Colony.

(Via Mashable)