Zooey Deschanel Would Like To Thoroughly Confuse You With Elvis Cosplay

The internet’s imaginary girlfriend Zooey Deschanel was on Conan and revealed to the world her (not so) incredible Elvis impersonation which is sure to (not) go down in folklore as the single best impression of all time, ever (not really). Sure, vocally it only goes about as far as “Hey mama”, but Zooey dressed to the 9’s for the role… which sadly only occurred during downtime while filming the latest season of The New Girl.

It’s a shame she doesn’t do this more often. Think about it, Zooey. A small theater. The lights dim down low. The opening chords to “In The Ghetto” start playing. Zooey Deschanel steps into the spotlight, pointing to the crowd, before launching into a flawless performance.

Hey, anything is better than that awful The Happening movie she made. Sorry, Zo. The truth hurts.

(h/t: Team Coco)