The Clever Connections Between ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’ And ’30 Rock’

The best thing about Netflix making every episode of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt available all at once is that we can watch six straight hours of THERE IS NO ENTOURAGE 2, without commercial interruption. The worst thing about Netflix making every episode of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt available all at once is that we have to wait forever until the next batch of episodes inspires concerned citizens to write hot takes about how Tina Fey is racist and privileged, or something. It also means that we, UPROXX, aren’t talking about the show as much as we should be, because there’s nothing new to say. It was fantastic, it was hilarious, it was inspired with its pop culture references. That’s about it. Luckily, the cast and crew are doing some of the talking for us. Composer Jeff Richmond spoke to the Hollywood Reporter about the #1 hit “Peeno Noir,” and how it actually originated from something on 30 Rock.

Where did the song itself come from?

We had a beat, which we took from an old 30 Rock episode that we used as a ringtone. It was definitely not like how you would go about doing a song musically at all.

Wait — there’s another 30 Rock connection to Kimmy Schmidt?

The actual track we grabbed at the last minute to shoot to was the track from an episode of 30 Rock where Denise Richards sang a very short musical video called “La Piscine” about how much she loved the pool. We needed something; we were shooting in 10 minutes, so Giancarlo [Vulcano, Richmond’s music associate] said, “What about ‘La Piscine’?” and we said, “OK, perfect.” So we basically, in some weird way, have connected 30 Rock and Kimmy Schmidt in the same universe, where Denise singing ‘La Piscine’ was actually Tituss’ ringtone. On some weird level, that’s what occurred there. Now the writers and Tina [Fey] and Robert [Carlock, the show’s co-creators] will never, ever admit to that because it’s my secret, but that’s what happened. (Via)

It’s not the only connection between 30 Rock and Kimmy. Here are a few more.

1. Tina Fey and Robert Carlock do not trust reverends named Gary.


3. That dog has a great agent.

4. Take a look at one of the related videos on the right.

5. The same construction worker catcalls Liz Lemon and Kimmy.

There are others, including a shared interest for the phrase “ya burnt,” but Tina Fey says it’s all a coincidence. “The only reason we have to keep the universes separate now is because of Jane Krakowski, really,” Fey told E! Online. “The universe would implode because Jane Krakowski is a part of [Kimmy].” That’s a shame. To cheer myself up, I’m having candy for dinner.