The Crappiest ‘LOST’ Tattoo Ever

Here’s the thing about ironically crappy tattoos: they’re still crappy. (via @Ckybran)

The Ten Most Stylish Dictators. Relax, Jews. Even with Hugo Boss on his side, Hitler got left off the list. [UPROXX]

Is Verizon finally getting the iPhone today? Um, maybe. But don’t hold your breath. [Uproxx News]

Um, no thank you. At a charity fund raiser in Taiwan, Andre Agassi showed a naked picture of his wife Steffi Graf (age 41) to the highest bidder. Sure, it makes Asian people look perverse, but it’s a good example to set for Andy Roddick. [With Leather]

(Michael Scott Photobomb via The Clearly Dope) ☛

‘A live-action comic book.’ A review of NBC’s “The Cape,” which debuted with middling ratings on Sunday night. [The Smoking Section]

A Brief History of Conspicuous Product Placement. This FilmDrunk original video is both entertaining and enlightening. Not a single fart noise. Weird, right? [FilmDrunk]

Nerd boners, engage! It seems that all the relevant actors from The Lord of the Rings — including Ian McKellen, Cate Blanchett, Elijah Wood, and Andy Serkis — will reprise their roles in The Hobbit. [Gamma Squad]

Oh, “Party Down.” You are missed. (mydarling via bohemea)