The Season Finale Of ‘The Walking Dead’ Will Be Super-Sized

We’ve got five episodes before the end of this season to adjust to the potentially series-altering event that closed out last week’s episode of The Walking Dead, but AMC is already releasing information about the March 29 season finale to the public.

The Walking Dead’s season five finale will be an extended 90-minute episode airing March 29 at 9 p.m., AMC announced Wednesday. In the finale, Daryl finds himself in trouble while out on the run. Meanwhile, in Alexandria, Rick and his group continue to feel like outsiders as danger lurks near the gates.

What kind of danger? Obviously, we’ll have to wait and see, but The Walking Dead comic book offers up a couple of possible answers.

Warning: Comic Book And Television Spoilers Ahead

That “danger” could be zombies. When Rick and his crew reached Alexandria, they found a group of people that had become house cats in a feral world. In quick order, Rick took on a leadership role and helped to secure the community from zombies and from passersby who might covet the tranquility that they have.

The other possibility is Negan, the comic book’s ultimate badass. The Alexandria storyline occupies a huge portion of the comic and Negan isn’t present throughout, but introducing him at the close of this season with a promise that he would be a big part of next season would make sense, and it would echo what the show did with Michonne at the end of Season 2.

The “danger” that AMC refers to could also be something completely unexpected. We still don’t know what the hell Morgan’s up to and where he’s going. Maybe he’ll be a bad guy now. That would be quite the baseball bat to the head, and certainly a story worth telling over 90 minutes instead of an hour.

Again, The Walking Dead Season 5 finale airs on March 29, so there’s plenty of time for conjecture.

(Source: EW)