From ‘Buffy’ To ‘It’s Always Sunny’: A Ranking Of Memorable Musical Episodes

Ah, the musical episode. It is a make or break element of many television shows. Sometimes it doesn’t work (Fringe‘s venture into song just smacked of a Fox marketing move), but when it does, magic happens. Even people who normally eschew musicals are drawn in. While it can be a gimmick, more often then not, it is just a fun way to mix up a show, even if it is only for an episode. This trope has been done many, many times, to varying degrees of success, so let’s test our limits for spontaneous singing and take a look at some of the most memorable.

12. Grey’s Anatomy — “Song Beneath The Song”

Yes, there are definitely musical episodes that were waaaaaay better than the popular medical drama’s outing, but it is too iconically terrible to not get a mention. Grey’s Anatomy deals in heightened situations and overwrought emotion, so you’d think ti would be perfect for a musical episode, right? Uh. No. No, it wasn’t. As Callie Torres’ life hangs in the balance, her fellow doctors rush to save her to the tune of The Fray and Snow Patrol, and it all gets way too treacly. While Sara Ramirez has an incredible voice (and a Tony to prove it), most of her fellow residents did not have the pipes to match. More slicing, less singing, Seattle Grace.

11. Supernatural — “Fan Fiction”

Supernatural, a longtime staple for the CW, started its eleventh season this week. Eleventh. That is insane for a genre drama about two demon-hunting hotties, but part of the power of Supernatural is their fandom. A quick look at Tumblr, and it is clear why the show has made it so long. Their fans are so vocal and passionate, and have been a huge force in keeping them on the air. What’s nice about this show and its makers is that they are genuine in their appreciation. Instead of mocking fan-girls, they gave them the gift of “Fan Fiction”, the show’s 200th episode that centers around a musical production of the novels in the show based on the show. Meta.

Of course, Supernatural has a history of musical fan service moments.

10. That ’70s Show — “That ’70s Musical”

Honestly, there isn’t much to this one. It was the 100th episode and Fez has a weird imagination. However, Kurtwood Smith singing and dancing around the kitchen is too amazing to not get a mention.

9. Daria — “Daria!”

Somehow, the creators of Daria managed to cram 9 songs into 21 minutes. While some fans dismissed the episode as being too silly for the dour Daria, it really is a lot of fun. While the people of Lawndale prepare for a hurricane, Daria and Jane are trapped at school. Will they get to shelter in time? Will there be ANOTHER song? Do their parents (and Trent) care at all? Silly or not, it was still a great way to show the teenage angst that plagued Daria, and all of us.

8. Psych — “Psych: The Musical”

Psych creator Steve Franks wrote the show’s catchy theme song, so naturally he penned the lyrics to this long-delayed musical episode. He also had the good sense to bring Rent star Anthony Rapp in as a guest star because, as you may have noticed, TV musicals are better with a Broadway star in the mix.

The episode itself annoyingly aired out of continuity and maybe fell a little shy of unfairly high expectations, but none of that mattered at the end when we all got to feel the ultimate smoothness that is Dule Hill’s “Jamaican Inspector Man.”

7. How I Met Your Mother — “Girls vs. Suits”

Ok, this is a bit of a cheat. It is really only one musical number instead of an entire episode. However, it is such a great showcase for Neil Patrick Harris’s talent as a performer and a look into the id of Barney Stinson, it deserves a spot. The cast is game, the choreography is fun, and NPH is a beaming ray of charisma.

6. It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia — “The Nightman Cometh”

This one isn’t strictly a musical episode, but it might as well be. When Charlie writes a rock opera, he convinces the gang to help him stage a performance, and fans are treated to one of the strangest musicals seen on television. No, they aren’t talented. No, the songs aren’t good. However, “The Nightman Cometh” is easily the most hilarious thing on this list. If you don’t join in on the high pitched refrain of “ah ah ahhhhhhh”, you probably aren’t human.

5. Futurama — “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings”

It would have been the perfect series finale, and it was, for a time. But even though Futurama returned, occasionally for better, often for worse, the funny and poignant “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings” remains a remarkable accomplishment. Not only does it put a nice operatic bow on Fry and Leia’s relationship, this episode has two of the show’s most popular quotes: “Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry!” and “your music’s bad, and you should feel bad.” To paraphrase the Robot Devil, it’s as not lousy as it is brilliant.

4. The Simpsons — “Homer’s Barbershop Quartet”

There are so many musical episodes from The Simpsons to choose from, so there is sure to be some controversy in any choice from the series. However, this spoof of the Beatles rise to fame is a joy through and through. Homer, Apu, Chief Wiggum, and Principle Skinner had previously found fame and success with their barbershop quartet, The Be Sharps, much to the surprise of Lisa and Bart. The episode morphs into a look at the pitfalls of fame and what happens when things don’t turn out like we planned. While many questions are left unanswered (where is Homer’s sweet boyband money?), it features a cameo from an actual Beatle, George Harrison, thus cementing its spot on this list.

3. Community — “Regional Holiday Musical”

While it is a bit under-appreciated, season three of Community has some really excellent episodes, including the Glee themed Christmas episode. On top of mocking the overt sexualization of Annie to Britta’s awkward Christmas dance, “Regional Holiday Musical” features classic Troy and Abed antics, when Troy decides to go “undercover” to celebrate Christmas, since he normally doesn’t as a Jehovah’s Witness. Honestly, who would enjoy footie pajamas, claymation classics, and hot chocolate more than Troy Barnes? No one. Also, Taran Killam’s deranged glee club leader is a great entry in Community‘s long list of guest appearances.

2. Scrubs — “My Musical”

When a patient’s brain aneurysm makes her think that the doctors of Sacred Heart are breaking into song during her treatment, music and medicine mix once again, but with much better results. Instead of taking itself way too seriously for a musical episode, things get predictably zany, and the talented cast is more than up to the challenge. Besides, has there ever been a better expression of male friendship than “Guy Love?”

1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer — “Once More With Feeling”

Many have tried, but no show has come close to the greatness of Buffy‘s musical episode. After the Scooby Gang summons Buffy back from the grave after her season 5 sacrifice, they assume that she’s been in Hell due to her darker persona. However, over the course of the song and dance masterpiece, it comes out that Buffy was in Heaven, and that Earth is in fact her Hell. While “Once More With Feeling” is catchy, well-performed (you did your best, Alyson Hannigan), and at times hilarious, it also is a creative way to move the plot forward in a huge way. Everyone knows the truth, Buffy and Spike take a step forward in their relationship, and they get the mustard out.