What’s On Tonight: Louis CK, Everywhere

Louie (FX) – Every Thursday I tell myself that maybe I won’t watch this show because I’m not in the mood to feel uncomfortable, then I watch it and am blown away. (Alan Sepinwall’s take here.) Louis CK is also on “Conan” tonight, so you can watch this at 11pm, then jump over to catch his interview there.

Jersey Shore (MTV) – Despite being a wholly artificial story concocted to drum up publicity, I will continue to follow the Abercrombie/MTV donnybrook like it’s the Cuban Missile Crisis, if only so I can do more bro-y posts about it.

LA Ink (TLC) – Oh hey, this show got canceled today.

Children’s Hospital/NTSF:SD:SUV:: (Cartoon Network) – More comedies should be fifteen minutes. I get more legitimate laughs out of Children’s Hospital than almost anything else on TV.

Man v. Food (Travel Channel) – I covered this on my Tumblr a while back, but the guy on this show who does all the eating challenges must do unholy things to hotel toilets like 5-6 times a week.

Burn Notice/Suits (USA) – Remember yesterday when I said the brother on “Royal Pains” was the most unlikable character on television? I take it back. It’s everyone on “Suits.” I don’t want to be a lawyer, you guys.

After the jump, the video for “Holding Out for a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler, because it is one of the most ridiculous music videos ever and I want to share it with you.